Run Talk Run is Back with measures!

We are pleased to announce the return of RUN TALK RUN, as from Monday 20th July.

So many people have been affected in so many different ways from the Covid-19 pandemic. Peoples mental health issues will be high and will be looking for support groups like us. Therefore, we are thrilled to have the go ahead to restart again, but with restrictions. These restrictions must be adhered to.

Our weekly groups will be set to 6 runners (which includes your leader). Some groups may have more than 1 leader so they will be able to increase their runners. These groups of 6 runners will be set off with at least a 5 minute delay.

We must all stay 1m apart from others runners in the groups and other members of the public.

Unfortunately, we may not be able to have bag drop at our venues.

Other measures that will need to be adhered to are:

  • If you have experienced any Covid symptoms within the last 3 weeks, you must not attend.

  • If you are a high-risk participant, you must not attend.

  • Please follow all hygiene guidance, including washing your hands.

  • Ensure you have enough hydration for the session.

  • Be aware that changing facilities and toilets may not be open.

  • Where possible, run in pairs. On certain paths you may need to form a single line.

(Please be aware that the guidelines may vary from other country’s and this is England’s guidelines.)

Apart from these changes, Run Talk Run still has the usual RTR values, which are:

  • We are mental health support community first, a running group second.

  • This is still a safe space to talk about your mental health. If you feel you are unable to talk on the run, please reach out to your leader. They will be there to help support always.

  • We don’t care about pace. It is the the responsibility of those at the front of the group to “keep up” with those at the back, by swanning around to loop back around to keep the group together.

Please feel free to reach out to your run leaders to get information about their run.

We look forward to welcoming you back.

Happy running. Stay safe

Rachel & Jess xx

Jessica Robson