Accepting Change

We may not know how or when changes will happen in our lives, but one thing for sure - change will happen. Changes are not, however, always welcome. Unwelcome change can mean facing an uncertain future, not knowing what to expect and assuring the worst.

There are some things, like the changes in the weather, that we accept are out of our control. But too often we resist change, we cling to the past and fear the future. We try to hold on to people, places and things and we struggle to let go.

And yet, even though you might not be able to control a particular change or stop it from happening, you can control how you respond to change. Make yourself aware of the positive things, such as new opportunities, that change brings. Acknowledge and do what you can to prepare for the difficult aspects of a change. Then look for and focus on the positive aspects.

You can embrace change by seeking change. Deliberately making changes is an effective tactic for coping with the inevitable changes that will occur in your life. For example, you could, if you are able, change how you travel: walk instead of cycle, cycle instead of drive, or take public transport; take the stairs instead of the lift.

Move the clock or bin to a different place in the room. Or move the teabags or plates to a different cupboard in the kitchen. Yes, you will automatically look for this items in the place they used to be, at least to begin with, but not only will you adapt to the changes, having to think about these things each time you go to use them will also make you more aware.

We all have had to accept the changes that has been made in our lives, while covid-19 is still at large. Hopefully, over the next few weeks there will be new changes that we all will need to adapt to. We just need to remind ourselves, that yes these changes can be scary but in the long run they will be beneficial. They will help to slowly return to the “normal” we all once knew. We will all come out of this a better version of ourselves. In the future we will be more accepting to changes because we all have had to adapt to this stricter change.

Keep talking with close ones or within the Run Talk Run community. Reach out to your leaders if you are struggling.

Keep safe and keep active


Rachel xx

Jessica Robson